Getting my head around it

  • Secondaries and symptoms


    Not good today.  I have up days and down days anyway, worse since I knew something was wrong a year ago.

    Feeling tired and head-achey.  Normally a little analgesia night and morning keeps me going pretty well and I can do all I need to do around the house and garden.

    Left hip region really tired and uncomfortable today so I walk slower than I want to with a risk of a visible limp. But I can climb the stairs normally today…

  • The answers


    Saw the urologist yesterday who confirmed my diagnosis of PCa with pelvic bone secondaries.  I am already on the correct treatment, he says, bicalutamide tablets.  Starting my third month of this the side effects are minimal and I can lead a normal life.  I do get tired easily and the original pains in the left side of my pelvis have not gone away completely.

    I'm beginning to get my head around all this but I do have to…

  • Waiting for results


    Due to see the consultant tomorrow.  He will have the results from the ultrasound-guided biopsy done two weeks ago.  What will he tell me? Up till now my diagnosis has been 'probable' rather than confirmed or certain.  If I have bone secondaries, how did they get there?  The answer is in the blood stream.  This must mean that secondary seedlings could have reached anywhere, from bones to brain, but apparently have…