Secondaries and symptoms

1 minute read time.

Not good today.  I have up days and down days anyway, worse since I knew something was wrong a year ago.

Feeling tired and head-achey.  Normally a little analgesia night and morning keeps me going pretty well and I can do all I need to do around the house and garden.

Left hip region really tired and uncomfortable today so I walk slower than I want to with a risk of a visible limp. But I can climb the stairs normally today with 2 cups of tea in the hands instead of up with the right leg and level with the left. (One stair at a time). Curious.  Also never have any bother going down stairs, running if needed.

Secondaries are supposed to be in the pelvic bones not in my hips.  Pain etc has always been on the left although MRI and nuclear scans suggested more activity right than left.  Curious again.

Thought my condition history through recently and think it's possible the first secondary seedling escaped into my left foot in 2006! Not possible?  Not so sure as the scan said activity there which they dismissed as arthopathic.

Found "The Room" yesterday at suggestion of Colin Paddyman.  Thought I'd go and have a good yell there this evening but on arrival found others there far worse off than me.  Thinking again.

This is supposed to be an upbeat blog and represents the coping, adult side of me that I wish family and friends to see.  There is another side of course, he's a little boy of 8 years who is very frightened and I'll let him find a corner in The Room where someone will listen to him and help him. Not today perhaps but he may have other ideas.

I expect to have a good day tomorrow.  I usually do.  After a good night I'll work in the garden which always makes me feel better.  Bought some carrots in the supermarket today.  I like eating them washed but raw.  Boosts the immune system I'm told amongst other things.

  • FormerMember

    Hello David.  Please don't be put off having a good yell in "The Room".  You can always find people worse off than you, but your feelings are important and if you need to get something off your chest it is the perfect place.  I've said things in there that probably seemed trivial to other people, but at the time I had nobody else to say them to and badly needed to let off steam.  Take care.  xx