So, So Low...

1 minute read time.

Trying to contain it. All day. Had the In-Laws over this afternoon. A friend popped over too. Hard. Everybody means well. But had to do things to avoid a massive emotional spillage everywhere. Made tea. Washed up. Shouldn't be doing stuff because I'm still very sore and not healed yet. But needed to get out of there for a few minutes. Needed to avoid eye contact.

Why today? Maybe yesterday's meeting with the Oncologist is sinking in. She drew a picture of my treatment plan on a piece of paper. This for 'x' months, then maybe that, then definitely this for a year, then that as well etc. etc. In addition to this and that, I'll probably end up with a Portacath and egg extraction.


On top of that, I'm alienating my boyfriend. He just wants to help. But I can't talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. So I'm shutting him out. Just want to absorb myself in more shit telly. Be on my own. If I talk about it, the flood gates will open. Sick of crying. Sick of feeling weak. Sick of feeling sorry for myself. Feel so isolated. Actually, that's ok. I want to be isolated right now.

I don't want to do it. Any of it. I've had enough now. Statistically, I've got an 85% chance of no recurrence in the next 10 years if I did nothing more. Pretty good odds. Trouble is, I'm not a risk taker. Never have been. Also, at only 36, I've got more than just the next 10 years to worry about. Shit. It's just too much.

A close friend has been texting me this evening. I told her that there are other people in far worse positions than me. However, I still can't get away from what I have to face, very soon. It's daunting. No. That's an understatement. It's terrifying.

I know I'm being selfish. Why can't I be like some others on here? Just getting on with it. Dealing with it. My friend says she doesn't want to say the wrong thing to me. I said I know that I need a verbal kick up the backside. Just may be not today...

  • FormerMember

    You're truthful and this thing you're going through is the fecking pits of hell.  

    What I hated most of all when going through this from the outside in (and my husband hated too) was the statistics and the "youre strong and young so you'll be ok".  

    That's bollocks - you know what, you have to be the most selfish person of all right now, forget about anyone else in worse positions.

    No one else will ever be where you are right now and the truth is that yes you might be gone in a few weeks or years , so don't look at what anyone else is doing.

    Be selfish and think of you, draw a circle with you in the middle and what you need  IF your life is going to end.  

    The circle with you in the centre expands but only with people you trust and love - you know, you can get rid of people that don't enhance your life at this time.  Be selfish, don't fret and do what's right for you.

    Love and peace



  • FormerMember

    Forever Monna - It is very daunting and I'm on the other side looking in. My sister is the one I'm looking in on and I am so very scared with how depressed whe is, but at least she has opened up enough to tell me what she feels. They are good odds now with todays advances in treatment coupled with earlier diagnosis. Does it matter your will open the floodgates ? Talk about it to your boyfriend as beleive me it is draining the hell out of me worrying about my sister especially when she says she doesn't see the point of treatment. If you can't say it then write it down or go and speak to your breast care nurse / local support centre. I'm making an appointment tomorrow for us as I am really struggling to come to terms with this and very, very scared I can't cope. Our gran went through this years ago without the treatment available now & she kept going till she was 96. At least you realise you may need a verbal kick up the backside - think of your family as well & think what you are doing by isolating yourself. We (& I mean family etc) are just as terrified as you are & we are helpless if you don't talk to us.

  • FormerMember

    HI monna

    Like you I don't want to talk about it,I went to all my appointments by myself untill the results on thursday when my partner(of 28 years)put his foot down and came in with me,I have told only a handfull of people and thats why I value this site so much we offer each other understanding.

    best wishes

  • FormerMember

    You are like everyone else Monna, even some of  of us who are now just getting on with it have been through all the feelings you are going through.  We have just had a little longer to get our head round things.  At the end of Nov it will be a year since my grand mal seizure which led to my diagnosis of a brain tumour and I still cry some days.  As far as treatment, well I take it on my chin because for one I have a lot of chins ;) and two what else can we do?  I have a young family to fight for, so WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!!

    Big hugs to you.....stop worrying about how everyone else deals with it, its how YOU deal with it that matters and you will surprise yourself, of that I am sure.

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    If you can't off load to your boyfriend it might be easier to unload to others. There are councellors and others knocking about. You have done the right thing coming on here - use people on this site - we are all in the same boat and there are many here that will help you.

    Keep smiling


