Don't worry about your lump she said...

  • Breast Cancer 8 - Chemo First Cycle

    The fact that I’ve not updated my blog since my first chemo-eve should tell you something. I feel that now, sadly, I must admit, that treatment has overtaken my life.   It feels like a long list headed ‘no you can’t’. So ...
  • Breast Cancer 7 – Chemo-Eve

    Tomorrow is the first day of the next stage – Day 1 of Chemo.   Still no results from the tests following my CT. The void of waiting and the unknown is still there, but I am hoping that no news is good news. Everything is crossed.   U...
  • Breast Cancer 6 – Oncology first timer + CT results

    ‘Probably nothing to worry about…’ Forgive me…. but I’ve been there before! The fact that I am writing this at 3am will tell you something… I had my first oncology appointment yesterday and the results of m...
  • Breast Cancer 5 - 26 days post op…

    It’s 26 days, almost 4 weeks since my operation.  Do I still have the nerve pain?  Yes, I do.  What’s it like? Sunburn dipped in nettle stings!  But thanks to feedback from here and instructions from the Breast Unit, h...
  • Breast Cancer 4 - Post Op Work/Pain Juggle

    It’s 18 days since my op. ‘No driving until 3 weeks after’ – that’s in 3 days’ time.  How to I feel….. sore!  The sunburn sensation hasn’t improved and in fact has sadly got worse. I called t...