Don't worry about your lump she said...

  • Breast Cancer 3 - Post Op first 2 weeks...

    It’s two weeks now since my Lumpectomy and Lymph Node Clearance and I am feeling quite proud that I have got through this far – although I am acutely aware that cancer can be a very long road and I am still only just buckling my seatbelt....
  • Breast Cancer 2: Lumpectomy Prep - but not as you know it...

    As the days ticked by towards my lumpectomy and lymph node clearance – I found it wasn’t the procedure that was bothering me … increasingly it was the general anaesthetic. I’ve had several general anaesthetics in my life &nda...
  • My Diagnosis Whirlwind...

    When I first went to the GP after accidentally finding a weird hard lump that I wasn't even sure was in my boob - her response was, 'don't worry we refer everyone as a matter of course - I've never felt a lump like yours - I'm sure you've got nothing...