confused and pi**ed off

  • Post New Year Depression


    Well Guys got to that lonely place in my mind again so must  be pi **ed.
    Been told I only blog after the first bottle - count your selves lucky - I get very outspoken after the second one !

    So here goes - may manage to make sense of this myself later - So a new Year and New hopes for all of us  maybe ? I want you guys to enjoy 2011 and every Year after - but being honest - we Know some of us may not see that many - but…

  • 2010 - A New Start and Thank you


    Well Guys another year has gone - but where - I joined this site at the end of May - a moment ago.

    Bit low had cancer - but got used to the idea and maybe resigned to my fate - a death sentence huh - and not  even murdered the MIL - bit tough, maybe i still have time - but lost the motivation  - lol. Thought might as well see what the other depressed buggerson here could possibly find to talk about or share.

    What I found…

  • Do They Know its Christmas


    Hi Guys - First - yes I have had a drink - but by my standard still consider myself sober - Not abused or made suggestive comments to too many friends yet, well not yet - but hell the night is young  !

    Right seasons greeting - love and special hugs  - love all my special Mates - The Mac mates who know and understand the inner pains. The ones who have loved and lost - the ones that love but been told you have no future…

  • A christmas Tale ?


    Was a while before Cristmas, and all through the house
    Nothing was stirring, not even a mouse.

    Sounds like another lovely Christmas story maybe ? Sound of children singing carols, warm fires, twinkling lights, warm fires and hot mice pies. Well not always, some times it means they have gone to bed early, its easier to keep warm there than burn gas or electric and its not as though anyone will call anyway.

    So the reason…

  • So Why Me and Other Difficult Questions !!


    Well here goes again, I am in my usual confused state and not ready to sleep right now. More random thoughts - not so much flowing through my mind but more chasing each other around - bit like a cat and dog fight, plenty of noise but none knows what to do when one of them gets cornered, so the cycle continues - so maybe time to separate them ?

    Need to get my thoughts down on paper and see if they are just my insane ramblings…