confused and pi**ed off

  • Imagine - A Breast Cancer Tribute Song


    I came across this on a Poetry Site and Hope Some of You Ladies on Here may gain something from the thoughts expressed - I do mean it in Support not  in Ridicule.

    I Do  Hope That Day Happen Soon !!

    Love Hugs

    J xx
    Rewrite of the John Lennon classic
    Imagine there's no such hell
    It's easy if you try
    No sickness to befall us
    Only an endless blue sky
    Imagine all the women free of that terror today
    Imagine there's no longer…

  • Nicnjc - Happy Birthday


    Happy Birthday Nic, Hope this coming year brings you the Good Times and all You Want and Need.

    Love and Hugs

    J xx

  • Prostate Cancer - Treatment Decision Time !


    Short Intro : I know a fair number of Members of the Mac Family have been affected by Prostate Cancer - either themselves, a loved one or a partner. I am also conscious we Guy are a bit reluctant to post blogs on this subject. I hope some of you gain some knowledge of possible treatments  and maybe even prompt you to talk to the consultants about alternatives. Personally I was told mine was locally advanced ( inoperable…

  • Fight On - Seconds Out !!


    Hi Guys, Its me again - some of you picked up on my blog last Friday - had a bit of unexpected news that my current treatment is starting to fail and need to look for an alternative. The cancer has become active again and the tumours are growing, knew they would one day, just thought it would be another few years yet before the hormone treatment failed. Maybe a reminder we are all vunerable.
    Anyway now waiting for an Oncologist…

  • Those Big Red Buses Are The Real Risk !!


    Hi Guys - promise this one was written when I was stone cold sober in fact despite it being Friday night - not had a drink for 48 hours - new record huh ?

    Strange how life can suddenly change when you least expect it ? I updated my blog at the end of October 2010 to say how good my progress had been, this was the second anniversary of my surgery and tests and everything seemed so stable.

    Early November, a couple of…