Post New Year Depression

5 minute read time.

Well Guys got to that lonely place in my mind again so must  be pi **ed.
Been told I only blog after the first bottle - count your selves lucky - I get very outspoken after the second one !

So here goes - may manage to make sense of this myself later - So a new Year and New hopes for all of us  maybe ? I want you guys to enjoy 2011 and every Year after - but being honest - we Know some of us may not see that many - but as my lover told me - its not the quantity  - its quality that counts - OK made that up ! Was lost in long forgotten dreams xx

Not really sure if more crap happens at Christmas and New Year or if it is just a contrast to jingle bells and all the Carols - its supposed to be a time of rejoicing, loving and family gatherings. But for some of us its a time of pain and reflection - but the the world cannot know that maybe - we live in our own bubble in Mac land.

Some of us only have family gatherings to discuss care at home or even hospice !  maybe not a Seasonal  subject I know but maybe one we need to face at some stage - some wish to spend their last days in comfort among the family - some like me want to be alone at the end.

Not sure, reading that back sounds a bit selfish - hope I have a few years  yet and know the pain relief is getting better all the time -  I am not scared of death honest - what really will scare and hurt me is if I see the pain in others eyes, people I love hurting to see me in pain or breathing my last.

Off to see my consultant on the 21st - OK want to discuss a few things with him  this time - reached a few decisions since I saw him last time - appointment changed a few time so may be 4 - 5 months since I saw him the last time - need my PSA level to see how active the cancer is - usually hovers around 2 - 2.5  - He is Good and always calls a spade a spade - he tells me the bottom line - he understand I need that. 

I have until now accepted my prognosis and good with it - some get little or even no notice so I am in such a good place - 5 years sound great - this week realised I am 3 years from DX  - where did that time go - hell it was a couple of weeks ago ! Not really upset - what do those bugger know - going to live forever as I have always believed - maybe just to prove them wrong - Running out of cash now - if I out live the prognosis - can I sue for breach of contract maybe ?

My decisions - not New Year Resolutions honest ? OK one of the leading cancer centres in the UK is Christies - they just opened a new wing and treatment centre.  I attend The Royal Oldham Hospital where my Consultant is based - the only treatment I get is hormone injections every 3 months - but seems to be holding it at bay for now so i am good.

They are about to 'Open Christies at Oldham' - new treatment centre - I want to ask about further treatment or volunteer for a drugs trial - know the drugs trial at best is a 50-50 gamble - maybe get the placebo or the drug maybe ineffective - but unless we take a chance can treatments really move forward ?- maybe not my time - but your son or grandson could benefit.

Without live drugs trials we cannot move forward. make no mistake I am selfish and want a cure for me !! - but OK just as long as someone gains something from it.

Had a couple of spare hours today, read most of the recent blogs on Mac - you know what - I was in tears - we the patients do post - but maybe 80% are from Carers or Ex-Carers - they really do struggle looking for support, information or just people to listen and understand their pain. For so many they are is so much pain out there - they do not look for sympathy but asking how they can help us while ignoring their own pain. They want to share our journey and support us at every step - while hiding their tears in case we are upset - now maybe that is a definition of true love

Then there are the bereaved who have walked our journey with us - we leave them to cope alone - and they feel so alone and empty - What they will not realise maybe for years is they were there for us when  we needed nothing more - they held us when we hurt - they hugged us when we felt despair - they told us they loved us when the world seemed so empty, they lost sleep just staying up and holding our hands - talking even though they thought we were unaware - we did hear and it was so good to hear - honest - maybe just a bit sad we no longer were able to return those loving words except with a look - but know what - some of you could read our mind by looking into our eyes and you knew we understood and loved you back.

I did notice the response to so many blogs came from the same 3 or 4 people - know its hard when you are hurting yourselves but maybe others need to think back to when they were new and needed comfort - even if its just a one liner saying you understand - it really does mean so much to the Newbie - remember how  hard it was to post that first message  please - we have all been there - and we are The Mac Family I thought  ?

All My love and Hugs to those I know and to those friends I have yet to Meet

OK gone off at a tangent again - better go as I am so tempted by that second bottle - promise just the one glass - honest - trust me xx. Nite Guys xx

John xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John. I so agree with you about welcoming New people to the site! I myself have been a bit neglectful. I don't come on as often as I used to as I tend to reply via email to the people that I have met on this site,who are going through the same treatment,for the same Cancer type(Nasopharyngeal) as I have/had. They also support me on my down days.

    I will however, make sure that I check in more often even if it is only(as you have said) a one liner to let them know that they are not alone!

    Thank you for the reminder.

    Big hugs, Alison.x

  • FormerMember

    Wise as ever!

    and Im certain you were on the second bottle by the end!!

    Each and every one of us can only do our best, what comes naturally and what feels right.  Hopefully all of us through this site can find some support, some comfort.

    Take care John xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John, that was a very emotional post and i do agree with what you say, I also know what you mean about new ones on this site. I do tend to stick to people who have breast cancer but we are all feeling the same whatever cancer it is. Its been one year since i was diagnosed and i remeber like it was yesterday.

    Take care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    Hello John,

    Wel I said to myself I wasn't going to cry today, well that has just gone out of the window reading your post! So wise and thank you for your tribute to carers, keep fighting you are doing a fantastic job.

    Di xx

  • FormerMember

    Hugs as always

    Max xxx