The cost of cancer - need help with transport and parking fees?

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The cost of cancer - need help with transport and parking fees?

This new miniseries about the additional costs a cancer diagnosis can cause, is highlighting a few of the most common concerns members of the Online Community talk about in our forums.

We know that cancer can have an impact on your finances and we often see members talking about the cost of transport and parking when attending hospital appointments. If this is something you are concerned about, hopefully you’ll find the information in this blog helpful. 

Some people need to travel a long distance for hospital appointments which can cause a lot of worry when it comes to arranging how you will get there. Arranging your own transport arrangements can feel overwhelming especially when looking at the cost involved with parking, fuel or public transport. Even if you aren't travelling far, these extra costs can all add up.   

“We were told to expect 7.5 weeks of therapy. We know that, at current prices, this is going to cost over £400 in petrol alone.”
Community member, Prostate cancer forum

“All went OK today but l was up there for hours. Appointment at 10 am, radioactive injection at 11am, and then blood tests at 1pm and 3pm. I was more upset by the £8.20 car parking
Community member, Breast cancer forum

Help with travel costs

Travelling for medical appointments can be expensive if you are having regular treatment and tests. You may be able to claim a refund for your travel costs under the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) which can cover some petrol costs.

“some hospitals do discounted car parking for cancer treatment check that too.”
Community member, Head and neck cancer forum

“No special oncology parking at my hospital but I did get a substantial reduction in parking costs due to having to attend every day for radiotherapy.”
Community member, Head and neck cancer forum

Macmillan's 'Help with the cost of cancer' booklet has details of other ways you can get help with parking costs including the eligibility criteria for a Blue Badge. There’s more information about the Health Travel Costs Scheme and Local transport services who may be able to help on the Macmillan website. Often there's local groups that offer practial help to people who need it and often includes help with getting to hospital. 

There are other transport options to consider when planning your journey to hospital appointments. Often there’s travel support schemes that can take you to your appointments. This could be non-emergency hospital patient transport services or Community transport services.

“To be honest I have always taken hospital transport when I have needed rads... parking is awful and the stress of parking wasn't worth the hassle.”
Community member, Breast cancer forum

Macmillan grants and financial guidance

There's lots of different ways Macmillan can help as there's a list of useful resources linked in our 'New cost of living resources from Macmillan' blog. 

The Money and work teams here at Macmillan an offer tailored information and guidance around the financial support available to you. Our Financial Guides can look at personal finances such as mortgages and pensions and the Welfare Rights team can complete a full benefits assessment and support you with any applications. They’ll also refer you to our Energy advice team if needed and share information about our Macmillan grant if you’d like to know more about this.

Macmillan grants are one-off payments that help people living with cancer cope with the extra costs that cancer can cause. If you're struggling with parking and travel costs, please call 0808 808 00 00, send an email or use live webchat to speak with our specialist teams from 8am to 8pm every day. 

“I would recommend phoning the Macmillan help line for advice…they were very helpful, they can advise re benefits, grants etc”
Community member, Breast cancer forum

Have you experienced additional costs due to your cancer diagnosis? Use the Comment box below to tell us more about this. If you’d like to share your personal experience in our Community news blog- please contact and use ‘guest blog’ in your email.

  • I was self employed,unable to pay myself and having to live off money I'd saved for a deposit on a house. Macmillan told me I wasn't eligible for any of their support as I had money in the bank. How is this fair,you only give support to people on benefits and tge self employed are left with Jo support. 

  • Hello

    Thank you for taking the time to comment here, I'm Steph from the Community team.

    I’m so sorry to read that you haven’t been able to find the financial assistance you were hoping for from Macmillan.  We do appreciate this must have been disappointing for you if you’re having to use your savings. 

    We would love to be able to help each and every person who approaches us for financial support, however, we must adhere to the financial and medical guidelines attached to the Macmillan Grant.  Because this money comes directly from the charity funds, this is means tested and can only be offered to those who meet the financial, medical and need criteria. 

    I’m not sure what kind of support has already been investigated for you, but I’d encourage you to contact the Macmillan Support Line in case there is any further support we can offer. Our Support Line teams are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00email or live webchat.

    Our Financial Guides can offer support and guidance so that you don’t have to face the financial impact of cancer alone, or there may be other emotional and practical support that we can offer.

    If you have any questions, or need help finding further support you can also get in touch with us, the Community team by email at

  • Since my diagnosis I was allowed to have a blue badge for parking, makes hospital and visits to the supermarket much easier.  

  • Hi , I hope the information in the above blog was helpful and it's great to hear you were able to get a blue badge to help with parking. 

    If you need any help using the Online Community or finding additional support, please don't hesitate to get in touch directly with the Community team. 

    You can contact the Online Community team every day by sending a private message to the Moderator account, or by emailing

    Best wishes, 

    Macmillan's Online Community team

  • Have you got Benefits ? A PIP is not means tested,. Macm,illan hlped me a great deal with applying for the benefits I was entitled to