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Hello My name is Honey & i'm 43! 

I sadly find myself here surrounded by sadness of the news I have breast cancer!

Here's my story so far......

Jan 2022 I found a lump in my right breast, I left it for a couple of weeks as I thought it may of had something to do with my periods as they have been irregular. I was getting concerned as the lump was not going away & it was painful , I also kept getting shooting pains, I booked a appointment with my Dr on 4th March 22, I was then referred on the 2 week pathway referral. 8th March I went to the breast clinic who I saw a lovely Dr who was so understanding, he examined me and thought it may of been a cyst, on the same day  I had mammogram & Ultrasound, Pathologist saw a small mass but was unclear of what it was, He said it's definitely not a cyst , so he took 3 Biopsies & off home I went & waited for the results. 

8 days later I received a letter to go see the consultant, My heart sank & I could feel myself panicking inside! The wait was unbearable!

so on the 22nd March 22 I went to see the consultant who broke the news to me that I had a small cancer, He was very very kind & so supportive, I couldn't hold back the tears! My brother was with me as my fiance was unable to come with me due to work commitments. such a sad moment, me & my brother are so close I hated him hearing his little sister had breast cancer, broke my heart. 

Dr said I have caught it early. he ordered for me to have a MRI 3T scan which I had Friday 25th March as he wants to check if it has spread & to check my other breast.

My mass is 12mm - on my Dr's notes it says the following; Grade 2-3 invasive ductal carcinoma; ER 0/8; HER2 Positive.

The mass is M1/U3 Hence the MRI 

I am awaiting for a letter or phone call with an appointment to see the consultant with MRI results and i'm guessing a treatment plan!

Does anyone know what kind of treatment I would expect with HER2 Positive ? 

I just can't believe this is happening, I can't quite take it in , me and my fiance are devastated!

Thank you to anyone who can help me with my questions & i'm so touched by all of your stories, it's so sad we have to go through this, glad I have found this site & hope to make some friends to not feel so alone. xx

  • Glad everything went well.  At our hospital, if you have regular appointments like Chemo, at the reception they will give you a ticket for approx £2 which will cover however long you need to be there.  May be worth asking at yours! x

  • Beautiful reassuring words and good to hear about a long term survivor of sixteen years. Inspiring..we could all get there xxx thankyou happyfeet1 x

  • Thanks for the information,  I'll definitely ask about that x

  • Good Morning all, Just a little update....

    I received my appointment yesterday for Thursday 7th April 2022, This appointment is hopefully for my treatment plan i'm not sure. I had MRI 3T scan on the 25th March so I think they will have all test result to hopefully give me a treatment plan. 

    i've still no idea what route it will be, feeling very nervous & a little scared, this past week has been like for many others when receiving the news very hard & surreal!

    Hope everyone is ok ? Love Honey xx

  • Hi Honey

    I had my ct scan last night and I'm seeing the oncologist tomorrow. Should get the treatment plan and I've had an appointment come through for an echocardiogram on the 11th April.  Fingers crossed for both of us xx

  • keeping my fingers crossed for the both of us too! xx

  • Hello everyone how are you all doing ? I just thought I would pop on my post to update you all, so yesterday 7th april 2022 I had my MRI result appointment with surgeon. They did find a couple of lumps in my other breast so I had an ultrasound there and then but thankfully they think they may be benign tumours so no action on those but will follow up with another MRI in 6 months. 

    Re other breast i'm grade 2/3 Her2 positive ER negative & I will be having a mastectomy Disappointed I will be going back on the 19th April to be booked in on the list ready for surgery. we won't know if I will be having chemo or what stage until they do surgery to get the full picture but it's highly likely I will chemo due to Her2 positive!

    So I guess I will be waiting for surgery date looks like middle of May! good job we are moving as this will keep me busy!

    I've always worked full time , I am self - employed but unable to work due to the place where my clients live, they have covid! so i'm unable to work incase I catch it ( i've not had covid ) . I also work for a company on the bank when i'm needed but I had regular non contracted hours but due to staff & clients having covid i'm unable to go there! I'm a bit unsure if I can get any financial help ? does anyone know if I would be entitled to anything ? I will ask on another thread too! 

    Thank you for any guidance & Advice Love & Hugs Honey xx

  • Hi , mixed bag of results from the sound of it, good that the other side seems just to be enjoying growing random benign lumps (I have similar stuff going on in my other breast, cysts and ‘historical changes’ I think). Glad that you at least know more about the nature of the beast and will hopefully soon have a date for surgery. 
    Re financial help, I would recommend phoning the Macmillan help line for advice. My situation was different as I was a teacher but I did phone re phased return advice and they were very helpful. They can advise re benefits, grants etc.

    Good luck with it all, love and hugs, HFxx  

    HappyFeet1 xx
    Don’t be afraid to cry. It will free your mind of sorrowful thoughts. – Hopi
  • Hello Happyfeet! I’m currently waiting for response from Macmillan I’m sure they will be a great help. 

    Yes I have a clearer mind now of what’s happening which has eased all the waiting & unknown questions I had. I’ll try to keep busy until surgery date & enjoy my time feeling well as I’m guessing it’s not going to be an easy ride but doable!! keeping a positive mind. 

    Thanks Happy & Hope your doing ok ? Honey xx

  • Hi Honey, not the best news for you.  I'm HER2 + as well but I'm having the chemo first,  6 cycles starting probably the week after Easter.  They wanted me to start on the 12th April but my daughter is getting married on the 13th so my decision to postpone till after Easter.  I'm having a locator clip put in the lump today so if the lump disappears after chemo they'll know exactly where it was . From a surgery point I'm having a lumpectomy and breast reduction ( l have very large breasts) with a reduction of the other breast further down the line.  I've not had the results of the ct but the oncologist is phoning me on Monday, fingers crossed there is no spread.  I believe its harder to get financial support if you're self employed but I'm sure macmillan will point you in the right direction.  I hope your move went well , keep us updated xx