• Normal?

    Looking at how I think about having CLL these days I seem to be thinking differently? I appear no longer concerned about the procedure of giving a little blood for routine testing, I even never seem to give a second thought about what the disease may be doing. Whether my counts may have altered dramatically from the last time. I know it's  slowly marching (creeping up), but don't seem to be phased. The day to day symptoms…
  • CLL Newbies update

    As an active CLLSA member I have put together a few of my blogs showing my thoughts as I have journeyed through the transition of accepting my diagnosis and moving on. I hope this may help other CLL patients. We now have an online group forum; CLL, SLL, HCL 
    Jan 27th 2011    Making the adjustment 
    Feb 2011    waking up
    July 27th 2011      Watch and Wait, is it the right name?
    July 28th 2011


  • Watch and Wait, is it the right name?

    We watch the watch tick and seem to wait, perhaps not a good start!!
    Watch and Wait was a new experience for me-  it fuelled my anxiety. I could easily understand that a well balanced diet and simple exercise would help me physically. But was intrigued by the state of mind of people in Watch and Wait, and I went to investigate both that state of mind, and stress relief.
    Watch and Wait gives us time for the reality…
  • waking up

    Feb 2011 
     When I found out that UHW was  a world renowned CLL research centre, It was a “would you believe it moment”, that my tiny corner of our small principality, could have dealt me such a card in the “post code lottery” game of our health system. One thing that I realised quite early on in my information search; was that I need to develop a good relationship with an informed cutting edge specialist and I’ve been dealt…


    Hi ALL 

    I Was On "watch and wait" now "watch and live", much has changed since diagnosis, many symptoms and side effects, but many more friends than those, who have helped me learn about the disease and how to live again. I have met many of us far and wide, young and old, pretreatment "watch and wait", first treatment, "watch and wait/remission", in further treatments and sadly…