Secondary cancer and new primary cancers

1 minute read time.

I am aware that, as a CLL patient, I have to be aware of increased risk of skin cancer, and I believe breast cancer, but in a recent, non related, appointment with a medical associate, I was given information which I found distressing:-

This young woman, who apparently did 2 years post graduate training to become a medical associate (ie not a doctor) told me that my CLL is like a tumour in any other cancer, that bits can lodge in any other organ and cause secondary cancers.  Lung cancer was a specific problem according to her.

Since this is contrary to what I have been told by my haematologist, I asked the nurses at my day unit if they could confirm that she was wrong.  They got my consultant to phone me, and he was furious, saying that she was pathologically wrong.  Like many others, I was told that I would die with CLL, not of it.

Do I complain, find relevant documentation and send it to her, or let it go.

I am currently in cycle 12 of O & V - only 2 of my 48 weeks left and all my results are good, so I'm hoping for a good remission - I just need to get her comments out of my mind
