Climbing a Different Mountain

  • Mountain or Hill to Climb


    7th March

    I've just returned from my consultation at Thornbury Hospital. Arriving 45 minutes early it was a nail biting 1 hour wait to hear the news.

    Good news is that the 2 polyps were both benign

    Bad news is that the area found in the rectum is cancer.

    Good news is from the scans it appears that it has not spread and in the Dukes scale it is about A/B.

    Operation wise to perform this simple "Re Plumbing" I'm in…

  • No Mans Land


    6th March

    It's been a couple of days of mixed emotions. I always thought that I was an optimist however I've thought about making a will which is something that we always keep meaning to do and every twinge down below makes me think that this hidden horror is erupting after laying unnoticed for I don't know how long. Even now it is spreading its mutated cells throughout my body to infect other innocent organs…

  • Trouble Down Below


    2nd March

     I've just been for a colonoscopy at Thornbury Hospital in Sheffield. All gowned up and baring my virgin arse to another man called Dr Stephen Brown. I've always called myself an Hairy Arsed Climber even though my buttocks are silky smooth however viewing the monitor as the scope got nearer to the entrance it was true I did have a hairy arse.Once inside the Dr guided the scope up through the lower parts, inflating…