Mountain or Hill to Climb

Less than one minute read time.

7th March

I've just returned from my consultation at Thornbury Hospital. Arriving 45 minutes early it was a nail biting 1 hour wait to hear the news.

Good news is that the 2 polyps were both benign

Bad news is that the area found in the rectum is cancer.

Good news is from the scans it appears that it has not spread and in the Dukes scale it is about A/B.

Operation wise to perform this simple "Re Plumbing" I'm in on Tuesday afternoon and will remain in hospital for up to 10 days. I may need a temporary stoma and at worst chemotherapy.

Although I'm not out of the woods I can see the light shining brightly through the trees.

Mountain or Hill to climb? I think it's just a hill

We've just been ringing around friends and relations with what they think is bad news. It's not bad news, It is good news without doubt.

We are off to Loch Lomond in the morning to celebrate Uncle Barry and Wendy's Golden Wedding anniversary. Sue and I will be doing some celebrating of our own. One last chance to get pissed prior to a little discomfort. I must remember to trim around my old man before I go

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