Carrot Tops Blog:

  • Hope to see you all soon. xxxxxxxx


    Saturday 30th July 2011: Well thought I better update!!!!
    Cortisone injection on shoulder has worked a treat, what a difference overall it makes and just shows how much pain can actually bring you down!! Had phone call last week............ Hospital has booked me in for Monday 1st August and operation for  2nd Mastectomy and reconstruction for my right side on the Tuesday. Hope I not under for 14 hours like…
  • For fecks sake ..............


    Well no even been a week past since I was told I was Cancer Free and that the other operations were no longer as urgent!!!Was starting to relax and absorb the good news.................

    Well blow me doon, did I no get a call from Hospital this morning to tell me I am now booked in for Monday 1st August, 2nd mastectomy n recons again fae buttock to be done on the Tuesday 2nd August.

    Fecking shaking here......…

  • Got told on 12th July: I am Cancer free. Powerful emotions!!!


    Well now, don't know really what to say ....................................................................

    Went about in a daze all day yesterday, just like when I was first diagnosed last April. 1st Reaction was "Right!!! What room is going to get it first?" (House been left undecorated since diagnosis.)

    2nd Reaction was a major thank you sent out to the cosmos. As with all my treatments, the dates…

  • For Anna's Daughter Charly, keep the light shining and rally round.


    As you all know my saying 4 wee Charly and Robyn, I have not used it in a while now, but want you all to start shining it for Anna's daughter Charly as she begins new treatments tomorrow in France. So pass it on and I want this blog shining brightly ok. xxx

  • Mair ups n doons.............


    Just so pissed off at moment. Getting referred to Orthopaedic re my left arm and shoulder as its getting worse despite physio; movements were getting better, but there seems to be a block somewhere as when we try to push a bit more it freezes up. Doctor has put me on Tramadol again and put me on Citalopram.

    Yip hubby scared he will hurt me as he jumps, leg twitches etc so he sleeping in other room or on the…