Hope to see you all soon. xxxxxxxx

2 minute read time.

Saturday 30th July 2011: Well thought I better update!!!!
Cortisone injection on shoulder has worked a treat, what a difference overall it makes and just shows how much pain can actually bring you down!! Had phone call last week............ Hospital has booked me in for Monday 1st August and operation for  2nd Mastectomy and reconstruction for my right side on the Tuesday. Hope I not under for 14 hours like last time. Getting more nervous than I was last time, maybe because I know what is going to happen and a bit stressed out hoping they don't have to go back into my left side re the necrosis that is not moving or dissolving on its own.
My wee puppy has had his 1st haircut and looking good. He won't stop trying to hump the football with Winnie the Poo on it. He's so comical. If I get time before Monday I will put up photos.

Raised £544.65 ONCE EVERYONE Paid Re Race for Life..
Anyway back to the Operation and shittin it scenario; Just hope I have put on enough weight!!!! That I don't pick up any infection as Immune System not fully recovered and my veins well..............where are they???? Thanks to the fecking Chemo, I can hardly see them anymore and they are taking ages to recover, but no doubt the hospital will find somewhere to get in. Just hope its not my foot!!!!  Can't touch the left side re all lymph nodes out. Being operated on the right side now, so guess I will find out when I wake up........... Hope I fecking do wake up!!!!
This time I am taking a cool bag with me for my juices, yogurts etc and ice lollies to hide!!!! So maybe I will be able to update after the 8th or 10th as will be in for at least a week and know so many Mac Family, friends, neighbours, Family are rooting tooting for me and my wee puppy is going to miss me. He follows me everywhere, and even takes his wee rattle up the stairs and sleeps under me under the bed, then almost trips me up in the morning so say hello. Maybe I will get a pee in peace for a few days once all the drains etc come out.

Hope the sun stays shining and in one way I am looking forward to getting pampered and cared for 24/7 by the very kind team I have.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna, firstly, congratulations on raising such a great amount from the Race for Life.

    Secondly, and more importantly, I want to wish you all the very best for your surgery on Tuesday. I will be keeping an eagle eye open to see how you are getting on. I hope you recover really quickly. I'm sure you will have learned to take it easy and allow your body to rest and recover at it's own pace. You know how us women are really good at such things!

    You'll be back here before you know it!  And we'll be waiting.

    Love and hugs, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna,

    Heres all my good luck and best wishes for the forthcoming surgery on Tuesday!

    Sorry I haven't been on for a while, but has been for good reasons in a way. tell u more when you're next online.

    In the meantime hope all goes well for you and wishing you a speedy recovery RATCHOPS!!!!

    Big Hugs

    Monkey888 (Mimi)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna,

    Congratulations on your Race for life, and the fantastic amount you raised.

    All the best for Tuesday Hope all goes well. Look after


    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna,

    Well done with the race and what a great result.

    Good luck with  op and hope we see you back here soon, just don't overdo things at first ok ?

    Was going to say don't try to run before you can walk - but hell you proved you can run as well !!

    Take Care, Love and hugs to you and yours xxx

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna

    Well done on raising so much, my friends and family donated but sadly only raised £180 (and I thought I had lots of friends ha ha) but every little helps.

    Good luck for tues, hope all goes well and heres hoping for a speedy recovery.
