Carried on Eagles' Wings

  • Still flying…

    The score is still 3-0 to Team Amy123… but we’re about to enter a new contest. I’ve now had three rounds of Virgin Marys and mojitos. I’d heard they can leave you feeling like you’ve had a really heavy night out (not th...
  • The Score After Round Two

    Chemo: 0 Team Amy123: 2   I think most people, me included, think of horrendous side effects when chemo is mentioned, and they can be. Before my treatment started, I read everything I could find (from reputable sources, of course) about the poss...
  • Hair Today, Gone… Tomorrow?

    As predicted, my hair started to fall out around day 17. A big clump in the comb each morning and evening. I know this is a really traumatic side effect of chemo for some people. I’m thankful that mine is thinning rather than coming out in patc...
  • Wrong script for Act 1, Scene 2, Miss Turner!

    Well, that was a curve ball! Here I am, fourth day in hospital after my first chemo on 13 September. The day itself went pretty well. I tried not to think too much about the toxic cocktail about to be injected into my body, a necessary evil, precede...
  • Before I begin…

    The journey has just begun and so much has happened already! But before I backtrack, there’s something I want to say now: THANK YOU! The love, prayers, care and support I have already received has been nothing short of astounding. So to you, de...