Carried on Eagles' Wings

  • About Those Wings

    9 August 2023. One year ago today I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The previous six weeks had been a rollercoaster of emotions: fear, anxiety, dread, but also acceptance and peace.  Those who know me best would say that I can be a glass-half-...
  • 10 Weeks Post-Surgery

    Apart from an infection in one of my wounds which required several visits to the breast unit and two weeks of antibiotics, healing and recovery have progressed well and I am very, very pleased with the new me! My surgeons did a brilliant job of remov...
  • How it all began - Prologue: the final (long!) part

    Another sleepless night before going to get the biopsy results at the breast clinic. We sat in the waiting room and, although we knew what was coming, we were quite calm. Fiona, the consultant surgeon, came straight to the point. I looked across at h...
  • How it all began – Prologue Part 3

    The rollercoaster ride continued after the holiday. Just one day back at work before my appointment at the breast clinic. Work kept me very busy and distracted much of the time. But the impending appointment was never far from my mind and the waves o...
  • How it all began - Prologue Part 2

    The day after seeing my GP I went back to work. It was a Friday, 1st July. Mid-morning I received a telephone call from the hospital to invite me to attend the Breast Unit on 15 July, in exactly two weeks’ time.We had booked to go on holid...