Still flying…

1 minute read time.

The score is still 3-0 to Team Amy123… but we’re about to enter a new contest.

I’ve now had three rounds of Virgin Marys and mojitos. I’d heard they can leave you feeling like you’ve had a really heavy night out (not that I would know what that feels like, hehe) or that you’ve been hit by a truck (I can only imagine). The reality for me has been three or four days of feeling fine, then four or five days of feeling exhausted and a bit sorry for myself because I have “chemo mouth” and can’t enjoy my food, then back to feeling fine again. The fatigue is always there but HCA and I have got that one beat too.

Did I say that HCA is also a meteorologist? I’m vegetating on the sofa, looking at black clouds or drizzle and thinking to myself that there will be no walk today. No chance. “The sun is going to pop out in 8 minutes. Are you ready?” Sure enough…! Thank you, Mr McCaskill Kissing heart

Sunday stroll with our littlest munchkin. "Let me help you, Grammie." Blue heart

I’m not sure what the next cocktail has in store for me. I’ll be having a different mix of drugs for the next four cycles, starting next Tuesday. As usual, there is a long list of possible/likely side effects. I’ll be drinking loads of water, eating rainbows and walking as much as I can in the next few days to give my body and mind the best chance of coping with whatever the cocktail throws at me. We are seeing my oncologist this week and hope he will tell us that so far the chemo is doing what it’s supposed to do - destroy the little blighters - and we can continue with the treatment plan.

As ever, I’ve been so encouraged by your messages and prayers - they are precious. I’m sorry if I haven’t been able to reply to them all, but I read and appreciate each one. Thank  you!

Wishing you all a great week. Thinking of and praying for my friends starting chemo on Wednesday. May you also be carried on eagles' wings.

Lots of love xx
