Hair Today, Gone… Tomorrow?

2 minute read time.

As predicted, my hair started to fall out around day 17. A big clump in the comb each morning and evening. I know this is a really traumatic side effect of chemo for some people. I’m thankful that mine is thinning rather than coming out in patches so it’s a bit less harsh. I used to have thick, glossy black hair, but in recent years the texture has changed (not to mention the grey), and it’s been less manageable, so a buzz cut/shave has often seemed appealing but I’ve never felt brave enough to try it. A few more days and I’ll know how it looks on me. HCA is waiting in the wings with the hair clippers! Either way, I guess it means the drugs are working, so that’s a plus.

I was well looked after in hospital, but the nights were awful. So noisy. Nuff said. It was so good to be home and sleep in my own bed again. I had an upper respiratory tract infection which was treated with very strong antibiotics. Apart from a lingering cough, I feel well again, just in time for Chemo #2 tomorrow! But the dose will be adjusted to try to prevent my white blood count from crashing again. Fingers crossed that the other side effects will be bearable, too.

The weather has been glorious the past few days and we’ve had some nice walks. Saturday we enjoyed the autumn colours at Waddesdon Manor, and yesterday we met up with our family for a stroll on Dunstable Downs. It was energising to see them again!

So, here goes Round Two, after which I’ll be more than a quarter of the way through chemo! Thank you to each of you who has reached out in any way: messages, cards, flowers, gifts, phone calls, offers of help, prayers, cake! Please know how very important your support is to us.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank the brave and generous ladies who have shared their cancer journey with me: Karen, Jo, Katie, Clare, Tracey and Anna. You are all amazing and inspirational! Thank you for being there for me.

Big love

Lorraine xx
