Carried on Eagles' Wings

  • Ten days post-surgery

    I didn’t sleep very well the night before, even though I was no longer feeling anxious about having surgery. I was confident that my surgical team would do a great job and I was encouraged by lovely messages and prayers from family and friends....
  • How it all began - Prologue Part 1

    I have encountered a few obstacles to maintaining a healthy weight for many years, probably since the birth of our second child, and certainly since hitting the menopause. Firstly, I love food and although I enjoy a healthy, mainly pescatar...
  • Update and Prep for Surgery

    Just a little update as the last one was over a month ago. It feels strange not to be having the three-weekly PICC line maintenance, blood tests and chemo, but I’m not missing them! I’m so happy to have those behind me now. I do still nee...
  • Chemo: The Final Score and Outcome

    Chemo 1 Team Amy 6   My final chemo cycle got me a bit down for about 7 days: no pleasure in eating, low mood, even gave in to self-soothing tears on one occasion, and missed three days of walking/exercise. But I started bouncing back quite quic...
  • Today I wept

    Thursday, 26 January For the first time since all this began, I cried for myself today. I’ve been feeling increasingly unhappy since Sunday, day 5 of this final chemo cycle. If you’ve read my previous posts, you might guess that it has to...