Bubbly's Diary

  • In Limbo


    How does one keep being positive when SO many things happen?  Things that aren't related, not health related, just life being crap?

    Friends getting ill, ex-partner having a child that you can't ever have, losing your job, your own problems (!), protecting family?

    My standard response is normally 'I'm fine thanks' or 'I'm good thanks' when people ask me.

    I think my heart might be broken, it…

  • I will continue to be bubbly


    Another week gone by and so much seems to be going on.  Why can there not be week of calm?

    Yesterday was the funeral of a friend of mine who killed himself before Christmas.  I know it sounds daft, but it made me think about my Grandad.

    My gran has decided to go and live with her eldest son down in Cornwall, which is definately a good thing for her, but it makes me sad, like I'm losing her in a way as I won't see her much…

  • Amazed


    I set my notifications up to email if I got a response to my blog, not expecting anything at all.  I was sitting in a meeting and my blackberry buzzed all over the place.  I was amazed, not annoyed, just amazed.

    Today has been a day of it, everyone has said lately that I've been quiet but apparently more so today!

    I asked for time off for 2 days next week for a funeral (it's about 100 miles away) of a friend of…

  • A Starter


    Well I've been on this site for just over a week.  I thought I would start this, because sometimes you just need to talk to yourself - I do it all the time!!

    This page and chat room is amazing, everyone here is just so nice and I am amazed at how welcoming people are.  It's so sad to see how many people are hurting from this disease as either a patient or a carer.

    So, where do I start about me? 

    • A number of miscarriages…