
Less than one minute read time.

I set my notifications up to email if I got a response to my blog, not expecting anything at all.  I was sitting in a meeting and my blackberry buzzed all over the place.  I was amazed, not annoyed, just amazed.

Today has been a day of it, everyone has said lately that I've been quiet but apparently more so today!

I asked for time off for 2 days next week for a funeral (it's about 100 miles away) of a friend of mine and have been told no because of the project I'm working on.  I can't remember the last time I sat at my desk trying not to cry!

I'm so tired all the time and am just about getting through the day.  I don't know if that's emotion or the illness!

I need to pull myself together, but am finding it hard.

Anyway, enough ramblings


  • FormerMember

    Hi Bubbly,

    You have to be strong and Look after yourself if you feel you cant cope because your too tired ask your Dr for a sick note to give you some time to rest which is more important your health or some project.???

    Look  after yourself and all the best.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • You replied to my questions on your previous blog. It sounds as if you have a close family so why haven't you told them? I'm not being a nosey old bat - honest! I am concerned that a young woman should be dealing with illness alone.

    I remember being a young woman with a small baby trying to be 'super-wife'. I thought I had to keep a sparkling house, cook gourmet meals, entertain a toddler. I was trying to cope with all this with a new baby keeping me awake half the night. I struggled along  but then finally snapped. I had to admit I couldn't cope. I tell you this because I can see a parallel with what you are doing - coping all alone.

    Take Sarsfield's advice - go to the doctor.

    Well-meaning lecture over!


  • FormerMember

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate your messages.

    I can't really afford to go off work, I have responsibilities at work as well.  Plus I think I might go mad at home all the time!!

    I do have a family who I love very much and I know they love me, but I'm the strong one!  It's a facade that is 'everything is ok'.  I have started a conversation about going back to the hospital and she changed the subject.  I know that if I told her outright that she would listen, but I tend to find it hard to say things!

    I am a tough cookie and have this site.  I will try again, but I think at the moment I'll just keep on going.... as per the film Finding Nemo... 'keep on swimming, keep on swimming.'!!

    Take Care all
