A Starter

1 minute read time.

Well I've been on this site for just over a week.  I thought I would start this, because sometimes you just need to talk to yourself - I do it all the time!!

This page and chat room is amazing, everyone here is just so nice and I am amazed at how welcoming people are.  It's so sad to see how many people are hurting from this disease as either a patient or a carer.

So, where do I start about me? 

  • A number of miscarriages and progressive infertility - 2003 - 2009
  • Endometriosis & PCOS - Diagnosed 2005
  • Hysterectomy - May 2010 (which cures the above)
  • Blood Disorder so emergency op - May 2010
  • Grandad liver tumour and passed away - August - 15 October 2010
  • Bowel Tumour - November 2010

So not a great few years (and I'm only 28!).  I work full time (except May - June this year) and some how get through.  I stand by my profile name - Bubbly... if you don't laugh, I'd go mad!! 

I know this seems a rather clinical way of describing me, but I guess that's how I deal with things.  I miss my grandad sooo much and that actually upsets me more than me having the tumour!!  The silly things that I think about more than when he was alive.  I wonder if he is watching me now?  When I go to my Gran's I can't help but ache to see him.  I have a hole in my heart where something is missing. :(

I'm current having steroids to reduce the tumour.  As i say, that part doesn't really worry me, I am ok to go and have the operation when it comes alone and not tell anyone!  Perhaps too independant for my own good!

Anyway, enough rambling for now...


  • Good grief! So much while you're so young and you're still smiling. Welcome to the site and I hope you find support from fellow members.

    Independence can be good but I believe you will need a helping hand now and again. You talk about your grandparents but not your parents so does this mean they're not around? I'm the mother of two grown-up daughters and I would be incredibly hurt if they had a serious illness and didn't tell me. Please don't face this alone.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna

    Here for you anytime mate you know that,

    love and huge hugs

    Suzie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Donna

    Enjoy your independance but don't forget that we are all here for you!  As KateG said please don't face this alone

    All the very best

    GeorgiaG (no relation to Kate G above!) XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Donna,

    Very Wise words from Kate G. Good Advice. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    I wish you GOOD LUCK from now on! As people have said do not face this alone. I am a very strong person too having had lots happen to me in the past 5 years . I couldn't have got through with the wonderful support from this site nor without my partner and frinds.

    Take care love Julie xx