Bowel C the fight, daily blog

  • Post surgery, reversal/close of illestomy..


    Surgery done, back at end of April, not too painful, happy to see end of illestomy, not that it was that awful as you eventually get into a routine so daily management becomes automatic. The hard part is re-starting the digestive system, 3 days of absolue hell in hospital from projective vomitting to chronic diaorreah ...So several months on , re-started back at work, but body balance and toiltery issues persist. Following…

  • day 11 etc


    Been lapse in my posts, treatments over 3 weeks ago plus. I expereinced some bad days, where energys levels were so low could hardly get out of bed.I am pleased to say these days are hopefully gone, feeling much improved . I can taste again, go out and be social , ok dietary and no alcohol are limiters but still able to have some fun. I have got my MRI dates, so suscpect operation is two weeks after that, so have at least…

  • Post day 10..


    So, the triedness starts to kick in, totally knackered by 17:00, then always the dreaded sign at Radium treatment desk..DELAY , always 40 minutes...Only 16 radium treatments to go, slowly being crossed off, amazing how these seem to drag, when life seems to be flashing by. Had the review clinic yesterday, talking through any side effects...isn't it weird how you spend your life private on toitlery habits, then you speak…

  • 10 continues


    Changed the diet, chemo's going ok, a few side effects but coping well so far. The Radium is alo fine, just unfortunate have lat slots booking, which means I get daily delays. But at least I still able to do lots of things, although engery level wains later in day. friday night trips to the pub to catch up with the lads, have stopped , not just case of being sober, but I find it too tiring.

    The Bowen tratments ghave…

  • Day two


    Started the chemo 1650m  twice daily, not sure wthere this is a high dosage or not, but that's what's been prescribed. I have my first radium tratment scheduled for this afternoon, so a big day of firsts. Also started my daily log to keep track of times of medication and whether any side effects...fingers crossed. Not much else to say.