Post day 10..

Less than one minute read time.

So, the triedness starts to kick in, totally knackered by 17:00, then always the dreaded sign at Radium treatment desk..DELAY , always 40 minutes...Only 16 radium treatments to go, slowly being crossed off, amazing how these seem to drag, when life seems to be flashing by. Had the review clinic yesterday, talking through any side effects...isn't it weird how you spend your life private on toitlery habits, then you speak so openly on most basic deatils to a complete stranger. Even the wife is unaware, of such ninitimate details, righly so. But must admit is it comforting to be able to talk so openely , even if its to stop any additional worrying to know this is just a side effect caused by treatments. The medical staff are amazing and always so cheerful, the staff in my office who I have known for years are less friendly. That's it for today.
