...day 10 continues

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Changed the diet, chemo's going ok, a few side effects but coping well so far. The Radium is alo fine, just unfortunate have lat slots booking, which means I get daily delays. But at least I still able to do lots of things, although engery level wains later in day. friday night trips to the pub to catch up with the lads, have stopped , not just case of being sober, but I find it too tiring.

The Bowen tratments ghave done me proud, would recommend that to anyone about to start the chemo/radium. To know your body is complety relaxed and prepared, some basic yoga exercise in the moring to wake youself up, have all helped. I am sitting better, eating slower , muscles less tense , hopefully less prone to any stress. taking each day as it comes, although must admit time which previously seems to be flying by has now slowed to snails pace. Only 4 weeks of Chemo/radium to go, collecting second batch of tables today.

hey, ho, J
