day 11 etc

1 minute read time.

Been lapse in my posts, treatments over 3 weeks ago plus. I expereinced some bad days, where energys levels were so low could hardly get out of bed.I am pleased to say these days are hopefully gone, feeling much improved . I can taste again, go out and be social , ok dietary and no alcohol are limiters but still able to have some fun. I have got my MRI dates, so suscpect operation is two weeks after that, so have at least 6-8 weeks to go before I know how successful the treatments were. Back to the waiting. Considering returning to work, as being at home with wife 24/7 is too much I'm interffering into her routines and being around gives her ideas about home improvements, so bettre of back at work mentally and financially. Thanks to Michale from Leeds in his continues support, it really nice to have someone to talk to who understands and has expereienced this first hand. Friends have been great, moral support and phone calls etc, really do help . Its amazing how word gets out and how people change , others are quite indifferent some unexpectantly which has been a shock. Excuses that individuals hate medical issues, cuts little ice... friendship should be unaffected. Its more of a disppointment in ceratin individiuals, not that one looks for pity or expects it. As they say here in Lancs, Nowt as queer as folk....hey ho.

So lets see how the return to work feels, changes already since I've been away, kept a close eye on emails and what's happening, is change for better or just expected ? Till next post, J

  • FormerMember

    Hello I experienced exactly the same as you did when I fell ill. Even my close siblings disappeared after my initial hospitalisation. Whilst having chemo I felt so alone, if it wasn't for my boyfriend standing by me and coming to every appointment then I don't know what I would have done. Coped alone I expect. You are right we say the same in Cumbria too "Nowt as queer as folks". Good luck at work. Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi, also so agree with you about its the people you least expect to react badly that do.  Had a what I thought was a close good friend of five years and just left me in a hospital bed five days after being diagnosed just saying "I cant cope with this".  I am just about to start chemo and another friend who I thought would struggle with it has been the best ever and is going to go through the treatment with me, not naive enough to think it will be all wine and roses for us but nice to know there is someone there for you, means a lot.  I wish you luck going back to work and shame on you for dodging the home improvements lol.