If cancer had an arse I'd say I'm kicking it!

Less than one minute read time.

I find that keeping as active as possible helps me to cope both mentally and physically (but then I would say that I suppose as I used to be a fitness trainer, and may well be again!). If I can offer any advice it is to do whatever you can - even if it's just mobility exercises or stretching / flexibility. Walking is great if you can get out. Even if it's a short distance - anything counts! Call on any friends to support you and do it with you. I can offer virtual support if you need it!

The marathon training continues, 8 miles at the w/e and 4 today. Gonna try a different strategy tomorrow by run/walking 10 miles, i.e. for each mile completed walk for 60 secs and see how it fares compared to running it all.

20 miles planned later in the week (last long run before the marathon itself).

Fundraising going great guns, really pleased with the support.

Hair update - it's very, very short but I am now going public! Yippee! A few sideways glances, but I don't care!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bliss fit,

    Keep it going you will make it. I want to make a donation how do I do it. You will deserve every penny. All the Best and Good Luck.

    Take care and stay fit Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    I agree with you totally, in fact, I think I have a better social life since I was diagnosed,  Ex colleagues who had retired like myself have crawled out of the woodwork and we frequently go for lunch. I am catching up with the decorating work that needs doing in the house and running here there and everywhere to get the stuff I want.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bliss fit

    You are my inspiration: 8 miles at the wee/end! Fantastic - apologies, no words appropriate for your forthcoming 20 miles.  You are always on my thoughts when I put on my trainers for my........... 3 miles (that's my 'long' run)

    Would you please, please, please let us know how we can sponsor you?

    All the very best


  • FormerMember

    Hi, thanks everyone for your support!

    Georgia, 3 miles is great! Keep plugging away, if you can mix it up with walking to keep going for longer then I'd suggest doing that once in a while - maybe once a week? (in January my long run was 4miles, very slow but I don't mind - keeping out there is more important). I'm also a firm believer that walking is as good as running, briskly tho!

    Here's a link to my charity page: uk.virginmoneygiving.com/.../BAMarathonMadness

    Take care all, Bx

  • FormerMember

    Cheers Bliss!

    My electronic donation on its way to you through the ether (or whatever!).

    I'll put your good advise to practice straight after work today: warm up for 5, run a mile, walk a minute, run another mile, walk a minute, think of you, run another mile, walk a minute, thank you, run another mile, collapse with a cold drink (medicinal brandy at bed time!).

    All the very best

    Georgia XXXXX