
  • Nearly said sod it


    Sorry i ant been on here as much as i would have liked but the pain from the Radio Therapy is really really excruiating all i seem to want to do is sleep, and as i am off solid foods at the moment and only drinking my energy levels are dwindling i drink food suppliment shakes when i can keep em down.

    My Oncologist doesnt seem to inspire me to carry on, but early last week i was really really down and ready for kicking…

  • 15 down 19 to go (3weeks in)


    well folks another zapping down only 19 to go so by the middle of next week it will be 17 don 17 to go and we will as they say "be kicking downhill"and the treatment will be in its second phase i didnt even know there was 2 phases.

    But i shud take more notice of the plan they gave me and the one they posted out to me, suppose they were both the same lol.

    seems to me that the pain dont get any better or worse…

  • side effects


    what ever you do do not under estimate the hurt the side effects can bring you, the worst one is the contracting of the muscles in the mouth making your tongue feel like its belongs to someone else. but if you tel the nurses of these problems they should and can help you out. the other thing is not being able to swallow any food other than liquidised foods, soup etc will keep you going, along with the flavoured supplements…

  • 14 down 30 to go


    sorry but i know this sounds a bit off but i thought the RT would be a walk in the park, i tried to be a big as i am guy, but i have succombed to it now as it made my mouth as sore as long john silvers stump on a hot day in the west indies.

    I am now only existing from 1 day to the next waiting for the day when my last day of RT comes along that is on the 24th Feb 2011. That day will be ringed in my diary and when all…

  • feeling very very down


    had to tell work yesterday that i could not attend, my throat has swollen up making it very difficult for me to swallow, even water hurts, the mouth wash does too.

    i knew it would be bad but dint think it would be this bad this quick. am feeling very lifeless and have even thought of saying no to the next lot of treatment as it will only make me feel worse, i dont think the oncologist has took into the treatment plan…