15 down 19 to go (3weeks in)

Less than one minute read time.

well folks another zapping down only 19 to go so by the middle of next week it will be 17 don 17 to go and we will as they say "be kicking downhill"and the treatment will be in its second phase i didnt even know there was 2 phases.

But i shud take more notice of the plan they gave me and the one they posted out to me, suppose they were both the same lol.

seems to me that the pain dont get any better or worse for that matter, just have to make the best of it keep taking the oral morphine and suffer, it is making me very tired though, immensely tired so tired that my gf can hoover the bedroom and it wont even make me stir. even walking around the house makes me tired, you do not realise just how much that RT takes out of your body, i feel constantly sick have a metalic taste in my mouth.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Al,

         You just have to keep telling yourself this IS doing you good even though it doesn't feel like it! I found that pineapple juice cuts through the metallic taste.

          Keep thinking of that breakfast fry-up when it is all over.

           Take care,

                lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    hi hun i know its easy saying its doing us good and yes we have to keep going im the same on the chemo dreading my 2nd one wednesday because i know i will have all the side effects back and feeling like the proverbial but i have to keep telling myself its going to get rid of this bloody thing and so do you the tiredness is awful i have it too and i wonder if i will ever be myself again but we will do it so keep your chin up and head onwards every treatment is one closer to the last one thats how i think of it and get this bloody stuff out my system for good its a hard hill we have to climb but together we will make it to the top!!!

    take care jen xxx

  • I am with you - radiotherapy takes the bl**dy wind out of you like you've been knocked out by a champion boxer. Go with the flow... it does get better - honest.


  • FormerMember

    Keep going Al.  Your nearly half way there.

    C, x