Best layed plans of mice and men

  • Six month on

    Well it's six months now since my diagnosis. I have had my operation and as long as they do not find anything at follow ups I'm ok! So why am I so obsessed with cancer. I come on this site nearly every night, read other peoples blogs and agonise about their suffering,knowing too well that if it was me I could not be as brave. My friends think I should move on, think myself lucky that I was diagnosed early and get…
  • Post Operation


    I went into hospital on 17th August to have my hysterectomy.

    I was taken back when the consultant said I would be having a laparotomy I thought it would be bikin cut.

    Still the operation went well. Up on day two and progressed well. good pain releaf.  All the tubes and drains got on my nervesbut asmall price to pay. Home day 7 following the Multi disiplinary meeting

    Told the results of my histology by the MacMillan…

  • Still dont know


    I have been to St Marys hospital today 21/7 to meet the surgeon who may do my opp if I have one! He obviously cant answer my questions until I have the results of my MRI scan

    I had my scan at midday it was not as clostophobic as I thought it would be.

    Now I have to wait until I get back from hols in 2 weeks for results. I have a provisional date for surgery 17/8. Never thought I would wish for a major opp but I do hope…

  • Best layed plans of mice and men


    June 2010 my daughter and I are talking about June 2011 when within a week of each other I would be 60 and she 30. Lets make it a special year and plan lots of treats.

    It started well Prague for new year, Turkey for Easter, Spain with the girls in May various theatre and concerts including Take That.

    Whilst this was going on I went for a routine smear test I never miss them and they had always been clear.

    I had a phone…