Babybear's Blog

  • SPAM Another Nutter


    Hi Folks there is another "lady" looking for love beware


  • Day 30 Bertie Bassetts return Journey


    Sorry folks been too tired to visit. Bert is beginning to pick up now his line has been removed, Still a bit confused but not nearly as bad. His Hb was quite low at 7.1 so he has had 3 units of blood I thought he was only getting 2  and now looks nice and pink. Better than the shade of grey he was looking.

    As I said I am really tired just popped in to say Hi

    Love Teri

  • Day 28 BertieBassetts Return Journey


    They have found out that Berts infection is coming from his hickman line so it was removed rather swiftly as apparently the infection is a particularly difficult one to erradicate. Fingers crossed now that the line is out the infection will move. Bert looks really tired and is still confused quite a bit. ( He thinks we went out on the bus with the nurse on Sunday). But he needs another 2 units of blood tonight as his…

  • Day 27 Bertiebassetts Return Journey


    Well thank goodness it was not C- Diff again. However, he does have an infection in his line. He ate something today for the first time in 4 days but his temp spiked again just before I left, so more blood for culture.

    We were just talking tonight and realised that he has spent 9 of the past 13 months in isolation in the hospital, He said he know the cows in the field by name now !!  His blood counts are still at zero…

  • Day 26 Bertiebassetts Return Journey


    Well it was too good to be true, Today I went out for a couple of hours before going visiting so was about 2 hours later than I would normally go on a Sunday. When I arrived I was asked to wait in the day room as Bert was unwell, It seems he had diarrhoea and vomitting, confusion again along with a high temp unfortunately he woke up vomitting so never made it to the toilet,

    He could not remember anything again, thought…