Day 28 BertieBassetts Return Journey

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They have found out that Berts infection is coming from his hickman line so it was removed rather swiftly as apparently the infection is a particularly difficult one to erradicate. Fingers crossed now that the line is out the infection will move. Bert looks really tired and is still confused quite a bit. ( He thinks we went out on the bus with the nurse on Sunday). But he needs another 2 units of blood tonight as his Hb is only 7.1 so hopefully he will have some couolour in his cheeks tomorrow

Love Teri

  • Aw... it is so difficult to deal with loved ones confusion. My mother-in-law insisted she was not in a hospital but that we had dumped her in a cupboard with cleaning equipment. Perhaps now they've found the source of his infection his mind will clear. Hope he's feeling brighter today.

    Best wishes,
