a day in the life....

  • im just one big epic fail right now


    the point of me moving in with my mum was so i could support her,emotionally,physically and financially.

    im an emotional wreck,mostly in serious denial that anythings wrong, havent been paid 6 of my pays since ive been here so mums supporting me and the mortgage. and physically unable to do most the stuff required around renovating the flat as not knowledgible or able to do whats required.

    am falling apart and feel…

  • oh,and then the cat died


    by the way,forgot to mention,the bloody cat got diagnosed with two types of breast cancer the day before mums first chemo,and he got put down.


    a friend we know is foreign and before it happened he told us that cats in his country are given to very ill people,the cat then takes on the persons illness and goes away to die.the person then becomes well.



  • one track mind.


    so i discovered today i have forgotten how to converse unless it involves cancer.

    had my first social club get together,.it was an epic fail with only 3 people  turning up and me not able to stop talking about cancer.

    i could hear myself and was thinking shut up ! but couldnt stop myself. poor guests must of thought i was mental.

  • urgh


    doc put me on new meds yesterday and im so tired and weak i cant function.mum ended up doing most the work today and i feel awful.this will be a short post as not much to say.mums feeling very well today thank god,

  • and so it began...


    its all happened so frikking fast!

    from the 18th of april till today,the 15 th of july,  ive not only found out that both my parents have cancer but have have found tenants to take my brand new lease,moved out of my flat,swapped my furniture for a new desktop computer,moved mum into her bigger house and moved myself in with her,said goodbye to all my friends,quit my two part time jobs-both volunteer, watched mum be biopsied…