and so it began...

1 minute read time.

its all happened so frikking fast!

from the 18th of april till today,the 15 th of july,  ive not only found out that both my parents have cancer but have have found tenants to take my brand new lease,moved out of my flat,swapped my furniture for a new desktop computer,moved mum into her bigger house and moved myself in with her,said goodbye to all my friends,quit my two part time jobs-both volunteer, watched mum be biopsied,diagnosed,operated on and started chemo,lose her hair and shaved mine off,started a social club to make friends,come off my biplor medications so i can function during day to care for mum,suffered withdrawals from meds so painful i couldnt walk,and thought i was having psychseumatic pains in sympathy for mum.

NOW mums decided to move all the stuff outa the attic in flat to the big house! and guess who is doing most the shifting lol.its ok though as it keeps her busy and her mind focussed on something else!.


anyway,heres the a 31 y/o bi polar mums got two types of breast cancers,invasive and non invasive. my dads got bone marrow cancer but is estranged and lives overseas.

theres only me mum and my brother in my immediate family,hower i have numerous auntys and uncles,and a grandfather with severe dementia.


i moved home recently to care for mum both physically ,emotionally and financially during her journey.

its going to be an.....interesting year i think!

  • FormerMember

    Bloody hell....and I thought I was having a bit of a rough journey!!

    Hi Bubalugs

    Sorry to see you here but this site will help you greatly. Advice if you want any, a place to rant and you will meet some amazing people too, carers and patients.

    Hubby is 3yrs post treatment, battling chronic depression for past 18months. Rollercoaster ride is exactly the term I would use for our journey, things slow down then...woosh, we are off again.

    You will be an amazing support for your mum, you are already :) It will be tough but there are lots of people here to help you on your way.

    Good luck

    shaz xx


  • FormerMember

    thanks for commenting, best of luck to you and your hubby xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Buba

    Sending you love and strength to help you through the tough times (which I know sometimes will feel like every hour of every day).  You've certainly got a lot on your plate so don't be afraid to ask for help and support from the numerous aunties and uncles.  You really do need to take care of yourself as well as your Mum so if I were you I'd talk to the Doc about your own meds - there may be another medication that would help alleviate your symptoms without knocking you out.

    MacLand is a great place for support and advice and I am sure you will find it a great help, particularly when you want to have a rant!  No-one will judge and there will always be support and a shoulder if needed.

    Much love,

    Nin xxx