6 weks that changd th way we are ???

  • bac again


    hi im bac this is all so hard, i find it hard to write , even though i have wanted to over the last week , but it seems now that i don,t have anything in common as i cant talk about cheo as mum hasnt been offered any . sorry guys i know that you have all heard it before but i feel im drowning with all this , sorry if i have pissed you off but this is my worst scenenrio come to life . i cant imaginne mum not being around…

  • so hard


    Hi all  thanx for being around . Im glad alot of people r getting good news and help . sorry im still strugling and feel realy angry as i cant seem to accept that my mum might not be around soon ,  I go to see my own gp twice a week as my reaction to mums untreatable terminal lung cancer is rely scary and he is realy concerned  i cant let myself think of her not being around when ever i speak to her or see her she sounds…

  • 6 Weeks that changed my life ?


    This has felt like 6 weeks of hell .My mum is just her normal self , i spoke to her on the phone last night while i was waiting for my daughter to attend st john ambulance, and she said her legs didn't want to work this morning for ages but for me not to worry as she is ok , pretty pissed off as i would have gone straight over. Don't understand as it's only lung cancer shes got and her legs should be fine. Still feeling…