6 Weeks that changed my life ?

1 minute read time.

This has felt like 6 weeks of hell .My mum is just her normal self , i spoke to her on the phone last night while i was waiting for my daughter to attend st john ambulance, and she said her legs didn't want to work this morning for ages but for me not to worry as she is ok , pretty pissed off as i would have gone straight over. Don't understand as it's only lung cancer shes got and her legs should be fine. Still feeling dumped by the sevices , no treatment plan , i rang mums macmillans nurse last friday , still waitng for her to ring back  you never know perhaps none of this realy happened , off to see my gp latter to give him grief. It still feels that i wasted all those years growing up not appreciating mum properly and now it might be too late . Iwas a right tearaway growing up,  but always loved her sorry mum you will forever be in my heart and with all the energy i have got will fight all the way , its a bloody battle though. any way blogging off now need coffee write again later tracy xxxlove to you all

  • FormerMember

    Tracy, what on earth are you doing up at 3am?? You need to sleep lady. Does your mum have any secondaries? My dad had secondaries on his spine which is why his legs packed in but it's possible your mum has oedema (swelling) in the legs, which can be a side effect of the lung cancer. Either way, tell her to get in touch with the hospital that's treating her for advice, not only for her sake but for your peace of mind too. We all regret the times we didn't appreciate and didn't realise were special until we discovered they would end one day, all of us. I regret not committing every single second of the good times with my dad to memory and treating them like everyday moments, not special things to be treasured but hindsight is a wonderful tool that's naff all use to us now. You're doing your best for your mum now and that's what counts.Besides, she's your mum, no matter how much a tearaway you were she'll have loved you to bits through it all! Let us know how you get on at the GPs, love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Hugs Tracy,

    We were told that lung cancer causes leg weakness and cancer eats muscle so there's no surprising she feels weak and unsteady, my dad has moments like that too.  From walking for a couple of miles a day to struggling is hard to see.  I too feel like I haven't done enough with dad, appreciated him enough, been the daughter I should have been.

    Good luck at the doctors xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tracy,

    We all have if onlys, I did this or that for my Mum.  Your

    Mum knows that you love her, and wernt as bad as you

    think you where. All the best at the Drs. Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx