My running challenges - by just another Macmillan fund raiser

  • Gloucester Marathon - January 2010


    The challenge has started, and the 1st hurdle has been cleared, but it was not a perfect performance.

    Before i comment on my running and overall performance I need to comment on the people that I had the pleasure of running with.

    A massive thank you to the people that made me laugh, generally by shouting at Dingle, those that offered advice, or were just happy to chat about where they had run and where they were going…

  • December Summary


    It would appear that I am destined to struggle with my 1st marathon of 2010 that takes place on the 24th January 2010, in Gloucester.

    December has followed a similar trend to both October and November, i have not completed enough miles. I can argue that the weather has been against me, as the snow and icy conditions are just too dangerous to run in without risk of injury.

    Then there was Christmas. I had planned to…

  • November Summary


    Unfortunately November has followed a similar trend to October, and as such I am only managing to hit the roads on 3 sessions a week, averaging around 20 miles a week.

    Although I have covered over 500 miles since June, I am really letting myself down at the moment. The cold dark evenings do not help but unless I want to fail I have to pick up the pace in December and at the start of January. I am actually looking forward…

  • It was very autumnal


    Stevenage half marathon - November 1st 2009

    I woke to find a very grey, wet and windy Stevenage on Sunday morning and my first thought was to go back to bed. However i have signed up for tougher challenges than 13 miles in the rain.

    Due to the weather my warm up consisted of a bit of stretching in a corridor. Still it was warm and i did meet a friend who i used to play football with at Knebworth 5 or 6 years ago.

  • it was only 13 miles...


    Just a short note to reflect on my first proper run since breaking/damaging my ribs 4 weeks ago while horse riding.

    The run was the Maidtone 1/2 marathon which was organised by my running club (Maidstone Harriers) and was a well organised and supported race.

    The course was described as undulating and i must admit it felt that i was doing more up rahter than down, but that is what i prefer as hills are a big part of…