it was only 13 miles...

1 minute read time.

Just a short note to reflect on my first proper run since breaking/damaging my ribs 4 weeks ago while horse riding.

The run was the Maidtone 1/2 marathon which was organised by my running club (Maidstone Harriers) and was a well organised and supported race.

The course was described as undulating and i must admit it felt that i was doing more up rahter than down, but that is what i prefer as hills are a big part of my training.

As always the start was a bit slow and due to the number of runners there were a few knocks and apologies from runners everywhere as we tried to find our own space and rhythm.

I did not have a watch so was just trying to concentrate on a steady pace, but as the miles rolled past i was still feeling good so i started to increase my speed on the flat and up hill sections as they came up.

The net result was a fast finish that gave me a time of 1 hour 46 minutes and 2 seconds. I am really pleased with this performance bearing in mind that i have taken 4 weeks off all exercise.

The next race is another 13 miles in Stevenage on the 1st November.


  • FormerMember

    Way to go Mrkeeno and I cannot believe that you are going to be running in Stevenage in Novemeber, let me know where and i will stand on the route with a nice drink for you.

    well done

    take care love Terri xxx