November Summary

1 minute read time.

Unfortunately November has followed a similar trend to October, and as such I am only managing to hit the roads on 3 sessions a week, averaging around 20 miles a week.

Although I have covered over 500 miles since June, I am really letting myself down at the moment. The cold dark evenings do not help but unless I want to fail I have to pick up the pace in December and at the start of January. I am actually looking forward to a morning run on Christmas day, depending on conditions under foot!

There has been further bad news as the planned race in February has been cancelled, so I will have to run a 2nd marathon in one month, ideally I will find a suitable race in March or April as there is a big gap between the two planned races.

I did have a very helpful meeting with Grant (Macmillan, Maidstone) and i am looking at ways to raise the profile of my challenge, and how to engage members of the general public to support this charity.

As always further updates are planned, I have joined the twitter community, and will post the relevant address for those that wish to view my tweets or follow me.
