My running challenges - by just another Macmillan fund raiser

  • September summary


    I  was very nervous at the start of the month due to the Thanet marathon as this was a real indicator of how I would cope with the 10 marathons in 2010. As I put in my marathon update, running 26.2 miles is tough. I did struggle towards the end and my legs were quite painful. However, I was back out running on the Tuesday and  Wednesday and, although I was slower than previous weeks, I had no real pain or lack of willingness…

  • Why?


    I have committed myself to run in 10 marathons in 2010 as a personal challenge. In light of recent activities of Eddie Izzard it does not  seem like much, but everyone has their own limits to what they can do.

    The next question that is asked is why Macmillan?

    Unfortunately i have known too many people that have suffered from various forms of cancer, some have recovered and sadly others have not. Therefore i spent many…

  • Training Summary


    The training has started and I am surprised to say that I am actually enjoying it. I am left feeling disappointed if I have to miss a planned session.

    That said, it has not been easy. I am still working several jobs and maintaining my commitments to my other interests, such as horse riding every Thursday.

    Other highlights are the Maidstone Harriers, where I train with runners of differing ages and abilities. That…