Tiredness after radiotherapy and chemotherapy

  • 4 replies
  • 89 subscribers

Hi everyone.  I was diagnosed with womb cancer last year.  I had a full hysterectomy with everything removed followed by 23 radiotherapy sessions and 6 chemotherapy.  My last chemotherapy treatment was on the 7th January this year.  It is now March and I’m absolutely worn out and so tired all of the time.  I could sleep day and night!  My question is, is this normal at this stage?  I’m only 62 but I feel like an old woman!  I have an appointment on Tuesday April 1st to receive the results from the CT Scan with contrast that I had two weeks ago.  My concern is whether my treatment has worked because the chemotherapy drugs had to be reduced by 20% due to how I reacted to them.  My cancer was Stage 3 Grade 1 .  My appointment letter says they encourage me to take a family member or friend with me to my appointment which is worrying me.  Is it standard for that to be in an appointment letter when you are going for results of the treatment?  Any help would be gratefully appreciated thank you xxx 

  • Hi Dramalady

    I felt fatigued for a long time after my treatment finished. I had chemo first and then the radiotherapy. I would say it was a good 6-12 months before I felt more me again and was able to do more. I still get the odd day of fatigue now- 2 1/2 years post treatment. Its a tough treatment and takes time to recover from. 

    So yes, normal to feel fatigued for many people. 

    I also had my chemo drugs reduced due to developing peripheral neuropathy symptoms. I was told that reducing them would not have a big effect for me. It was the paclitaxel they reduced- I believe the carboplatin remained the same. My consultant said it was the carboplatin that does the main treatment. She said it was like a cake- the carboplatin was the cake and the paclitaxel was like the icing. 

    I am not sure about the appointment letter and I know things can vary between hospitals. I can understand why you are worried but try not to read to much into it yet. 

    Good Luck for the appointment. We are here in the meantime. The Support Line is there too, if you feel like chatting it through would help.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for your quick reply...yes they are the same drugs that I had in my chemotherapy.  I struggled all of the way through my chemotherapy despite the reduction...I wasn’t sure I’d get through it but the staff were absolutely lovely I couldn’t have asked for more.  It’s good to hear the tiredness and fatigue is normal..I’m so pleased to hear you have recovered bless you.  Being diagnosed with cancer is one of the worse things ever and it can be a very long and painful journey for many of us xxx

  • Hi Dramalady

    As you'll know everyone is different and, of course, will react differently.

    I think I was more tired with the radiotherapy, which I had first, as the travelling every day didn't help.  I'm still going through chemo and have had the odd day of lethargy but otherwise OK so far. 

    Good luck for you appointment.

  • I rang the bell on January 8th I am 59  ..I am ..I  was diagnosed last April , I recieved  23 external radiothery then 2 Brakytherapy..then 4 chemotherapy..I am  still exhausted at times it just hits and literally knocks me off my feet .. talking about feet they  hurt so bad due to my neuropathy ..flare ups can be so painful ..my plaxi was reduced by  20 % also on my third treatment ..

    Taking one day at a time ..no CT scan for me yet not seeing consultant until approx  June ..

    Best wishes