Awaiting diagnosis - Liverpool

  • 11 replies
  • 94 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I am based in Liverpool and being seen at The Women’s. 
I have been put on the 2WW pathway due to post menopausal bleeding and had an ultrasound last Friday. 
I have been called back for the results face to face tomorrow morning and been told that there ‘might be some tests done while you’re here’. 

i am assuming I will have a biopsy tomorrow and I am also assuming that, given the face and face and urgency, this is not going to be a end to my journey. 

I just wanted to say thank you all for being such amazing women. I have googled lots of things, tried to stick to research and health publications etc but reading these forums has been the most emotional but useful thing I have done. Your strength is amazing. 

I know you can’t tell until there are clear results in hand but I know something is far from right and I can only hope that it’s as early as possible to keep treatment as simple as possible. 

  • Good luck. Try and take someone with you. 
    sending you love 

  • Hi LDNinLIV,

    I know the feelings of uncertainty well.  I have a different type of cancer but the emotions remain the same. I am awaiting an operation but grateful that things have been caught early.  Stay strong and be assured that there will always be someone on here who knows how you feel. Good luck tomorrow. x

  • Wish you the very best for tomorrow and going forward x

  • Good luck for tomorrow. Sending hugs and strength to you

  • Hi LDNinLIV

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear that you have had some PMB and the ultrasound indicated that you need some further checks. 

    Sometimes during an ultrasound something may be noticed such as a thickened endometrium or a possible polyp etc. These can sometimes have causes that are not necessarily cancer but a biopsy would normally be done in the hope of ruling it out. 

    If it does turn out to be a cancer then endometrial cancer, when found early is usually a very treatable cancer.

    I hope that tomorrow goes as well as it can and please do let us know how you get on.

    Good Luck



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi

    I am exact same situation and I am getting my Hysteroscopy on Monday 17th, 2 days away!, . waited for 7 weeks due to the procedure being under General and now I am so scared. and scared of the findings,  honestly its a tough time being in the unknown, good luck on your procedure tomorrow. My ultrasound showed my womb as 14mm which is not the norm and I had slight pink discharge a couple of times now. x

  • Good luck for Monday, this is a difficult time for you with the unknown, sending hugs

  • Thinking of you for Monday Fingers crossedHeart

  • Thank you so much everyone. 
    Biopsy taken today due to ‘concerns’ on the scan and womb lining thickening. Up to two weeks wait now, goodness it feels like forever doesn’t it!! 

    Hope it goes smoothly on Monday Craziecookie. Hugs to you and look after yourself.