
  • 2 replies
  • 84 subscribers

I'm a newbie. Diagnosed with grade 1 endometrial cancer 10th December, MRI and chest xray 19th Dec for staging. I havent got results from these yet but the longer it goes on the more wound up I'm getting.

I know its been caught very early but honestly cancer is just the icing on the cake with everything else that has happened to me this year and I still have an urgent gastro referral to come

When I saw the consultant on the 10th he did mention that because I had abdominal surgery earlier in the year to remove a bit of small intestine, had a clotting problem and autoimmune problem that instead of surgery they might just use a coil? 

thank you for reading

  • Hello Chipmunk1

    Welcome to the Online Community and the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis of endometrial cancer. I remember how tough it was waiting for all the test/scan results to come back. Hopefully you should hear back soon about the staging.

    Grade 1 refers to the type of cancer cells that have been found and Grade 1 is the least aggressive and less likely to spread. The stage will be determined provisionally by the scans and it will show where the cancer is. From that, treatment can be decided. 

    For the earliest stage and grade then hormonal treatment can be an option and it sounds like they are considering it as apposed to surgery. It can also be used where surgery would prove more difficult.  I will pop a link with some info.

    Hormonal therapy for womb cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support

    It is hard waiting for the results and I can remember just wanting to know and to get on with treatment. There are lots of lovely ladies on here who will understand and will want to offer support. if you have any questions please do not be afraid to ask. 

    We do have the Support Line that you are welcome to call if you feel like talking things through would help.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • thank you for your reply. The worst part for me is that this was an incidental finding, but then checking back on scan reports from February it was noted then that I had endometrial thickening needing gynae follow up, again it was an incidental finding - it was just never actioned. So this has been sitting there at least 10mths before it was investigated. I know its low grade but I'm just worried that it might have spread in that time.