Endometrial adenocarcinoma Solitary bone metastasis

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  • 87 subscribers

I was diagnosed in 2018 with the lowest grade and stage of endometrial cancer and underwent a full hysterectomy with lymph node removal. I’ve been cancer free for 6 years but after having mobility issues which were diagnosed as sciatica through to hip problems I have been told I have endometrial adenocarcinoma bone metastasis on my iliac crest which is about 9cm! To say I’m shocked is an understatement! They have told me that they can offer me chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy but no surgery at present. Has anybody else got similar as it appears this is quite rare?

  • Hello Pooky, I'm so sorry to hear this, I can understand you are feeling shocked and anxious. May I ask how they diagnosed the bone metastasis? Were you having regular scans?

    I had low grade endometrial cancer and similarly, it was treated with a hysterectomy. Since the period around the hysterectomy, I have been experiencing terrible joint pain, shoulder and now hip pain. Ive been to see the endocrinologist and rheumatologist but so far they have not tested for bone metastasis. I have been wondering about it. Not sure why they have not tested for it. I will need to get this looked into. 

    Sending you best wishes for the treatment and decision making. If you are fit and well - perhaps consider the chemo (if this is the preferred route of the oncologist).

    I know someone that has bone metastasis and she responded very well to Chemo. She was previously unable to walk however with chemo she got her mobility back. Though she was in her late 60s she was fit and able to withstand the chemo. 

  • Hi Lollie 

    thanks so much for your message. I’m sorry that you are experiencing pain and I would definitely follow it up as it was leg and hip pain that sent me to a physio who noticed that I had lost some weight and referred me back to my GP who referred me onto the Non Specific Rapid Diagnostic Clinic. They sent me for a CT scan which highlighted the tumour.

    Thanks for the info re your friend with bone mets and chemo. I’m certainly hoping that it will help with mobility although some of the pelvic bone has been destroyed by the tumour!

    Also, I wasn’t in any follow up programme given the time I had been cancer free.

    Take care.

  • Hi Pooky 

    Thanks for sharing your symptoms, I am having the same kind of problems. I think i will also arrange to have a CT scan.

    Im glad that your physio and GP responded to your symptoms and the CT scan led to a diagnosis. So many situations like this go undiagnosed.

    My friend that has bone metastasis was diagnosed quite late on because they couldn’t find the cause of her symptoms. They finally found that it started in the lung and went into the bones. She is doing remarkably well. The chemo shrunk her tumours very effectively.  .

    Its very sad that the bone is already being decayed by the tumour. I hope you are not in too much pain and being well supported by a medical team. 

    Hopefully some other women here can advise about options and share their stories: surgery/ chemo etc.

    Sending hugs. All the best. 

  • Hi Lollie 

    Please do get a CT referral as it’s better to either eliminate or get early treatment if there is a lesion.

    I’m fortunate that the pain is manageable but I know that’s not the case for others.

    Hope you have a positive outcome.

    Sending hugs back.

  • Hello, I hope you do not mind me asking but did you have bracytherapy or radiotherapy after your hysterectomy and how long after the op did your mobility issues start?  I am suffering the same symptoms.  Good luck with your treatment.

  • Hi Georgie1

    i didn’t require any further treatment after my hysterectomy as it was the lowest grade and stage.

    I started having mobility issues about 6 years after the operation and went through a variety of misdiagnoses until the CT scan found the tumour.

    im sorry to hear that you are having mobility issues and would definitely ask for a scan to eliminate any recurrence/secondary cancer.

    Take care.

  • Thank you so much for responding and I do hope your treatment is successful.  I have a check up in November and will ask for a scan then.  Take care.

  • You too and hope all goes well with your check up.