Endometrial cancer diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Been diagnosed in April with cancer - very frightened of the future my mental health very bad but chemo appears to be going well.

Does anyone else have bad mental health issues with cancer diagnosis and severe mood swings.

Thank you

  • Hi daria1

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis in April of endometrial cancer. I am glad the chemo is going ok. Hope that you are not getting too many side effects from it. I know that chemo can be hard at times. Have you got to have any further treatment after the chemo? For me it was surgery, chemo and then radiotherapy but I know it can vary a lot with different grades, stages and hospitals.

    One thing I found hard was having all the treatment laying ahead and feeling like I would not get to the end of it all. 

    I am sorry to hear of your mental health issues and understand that these can be affected by the cancer. I did find my moods could be very up and down during chemo. I also feel that the medication, in particular the steroids during chemo cycles could affect how I was feeling about things. 

    Do you have people around that are supporting you? Do you normally get support for your mental health from elsewhere, GP etc? 

    We have a Support Line that you are welcome to call, if you do feel like things are getting on top of you. They can also have a look for you to see if there is any support in your local area. Some people find Maggies Centres are a good support. 

    Cancer is scary and it is natural to be concerned about the future and what lays ahead. I myself found the best way was to try and break it down into small steps and focus on one step/appointment at a time. 

    There are lots of lovely ladies on this forum who will want to offer support so please do not be afraid to reach out to us and ask any questions. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi I was diagnosed in August last year, surgery in November followed by radiotherapy. Thought I was coping really well until treatment stopped then suddenly couldn't cope!

    Please reach out to your nurse specialist and your Mcmillan team, they arranged for some counselling which as helped alot.
