Advice please

  • 4 replies
  • 88 subscribers

I have had a radical hysterectomy as I have Clear Cell Endemetrial Carcinoma. A rare and aggressive cancer. I am at the hospital tomorrow to hear what treat I’ll be needing. Did anyone record their appointment on their phones? There’s so much to take in. Or take notes? 

Thank you and hope this message finds you all feeling well. 

  • Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Yes I took my daughter and son in law to my appointment when I was given my diagnosis of endometrial cancer. My daughter took notes and my son in law has the most amazing memory! I was amazed at how much information I missed! I would have found it hard to take notes myself, so my advice would be either take someone with you to do that, or ask if you can record it on your phone. Good luck! 

  • Hi Twinnie

    I hope you are recovering ok from the surgery. It can be scary when the results come back to show one of the rarer and more aggressive types. Mine was also one of the type 2 cancers. 

    Its called clear cell because the cells are clear when they look at them through the microscope. 

    I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow. I would ask the consultant if it is ok to record the appointment- I would think most would be ok with that. I actually took in a list of questions and went through them one by one. I was given  printed material by the consultant explaining the treatment and potential side effects.

    My first post op appointment was about chemotherapy. When that had been done, I then had a different appointment about the radiotherapy. There was also a nurse in with me and after the appointment I was taken to another room where she went through what was said and checked I understood and was ok. I was also given the womb booklet. 

    Womb cancer booklet | Macmillan Cancer Support

    The further treatment offered can vary between hospital and depends on the stage, grade and other genetic information that they obtain from the post op results. Your follow up treatment may be the same or may be different. 

    Good Luck for tomorrow and do let us know how you get on.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you so much for your reply. Much appreciated ThumbsupGrin 

  • Thank you so much for your reply. Much appreciated ThumbsupGrin