34 years old, awaiting results

  • 4 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hello, I wanted to introduce myself and tell a little bit of my story, as it seems like a slightly unusual one. I am 34 years old currently and when I was 29, I was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia. I was given a Mirena coil to try to keep that at bay, along with annual hysteroscopies, but earlier this year my periods got heavier again and at the appointment to replace my coil after 4.5 years it was discovered that it had slipped down into my cervix and probably wasn’t working as it should.

My uterus had a lot of hyperplasia and a biopsy was taken that showed “some areas suspicious for grade 1 endometrioid carcinoma”. I had a second hysteroscopy two weeks later to remove the hyperplasia and refit the coil, and I am awaiting a chest CT and the histology on the full hyperplasia. I had already had a very recent MRI for my endometriosis which apparently was “reassuring” because there was nothing in there that looked concerning. I have been told I’ll likely need a hysterectomy - of course leading to surgical menopause. 

I’m trying to stay positive and not freak out too much, but it is a very weird thing to wrap my head around. I know I’ll know more when I have my follow up meeting in a couple of weeks. 

At the moment I feel very grateful that it sounds like it’s been caught early and it’s treatable, but there’s always the fear that more testing will reveal that’s not the case. 

  • Hi Londongirl

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear of you hyperplasia and concerns re the possible area of concern for a grade 1 cancer. 

    Waiting for results is always hard and I hope that you do not have to wait too much longer to find out for sure. 

    If it does turn out to be a grade 1 cancer then they tend to be more slow growing ones. if there turns out to be some cancer present then the CT scan is for staging purposes. So the grade will tell the type of cancer and then the CT scan will determine the stage. Stage is where the cancer is located. Both are important in terms of deciding on the best treatment. The MRI does sound reassuring though. 

    If there does turn out to be some cancer present then then most ladies are offered a hysterectomy. 

    It is hard to be told that there may be some cancer and you may need some treatment so if talking things through, while you wait for the results, would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. The number is below. 

    In the meantime if there is anything you need, then please do ask. There are a lovely bunch of ladies on here who will want to offer support. If you click on anyone's name, then their profile will come up and you will be able to see a bit more about us. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I wanted to add a follow up - I had an appointment yesterday with the oncology team and was told that it it grade 1 and they are confident a hysterectomy should remove all the cancer cells and be all the treatment I need. That’s booked for the 5th October. It’s a bit of a shock even though I knew it was very likely, because at my age you don’t expect to have a hysterectomy but I’m doing okay. 

    I’ve been reading lots of helpful and hopeful posts on here and am grateful for the advice and experience so many of you have shared. 

    There is still the element of not knowing what the histology will show after surgery but the doctor I met with was so sort of blasé about things that I found it much more reassuring than the very kind nurses who spoke to me in hushed tones and kind smiles. Can’t explain that, but there you go! 

    Sending lots of love to anyone going through similar xxxxx

  • Not too long to wait then. I remember just wanting it done. I've had some lovely nurses too- they make a real difference. My consultants have all been nice but they tend to be more rushed. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi, I know what you mean about the doctor, mine was similar, I had so many questions which he was great in answering, but he was quite unconcerned about several of my concerns (including the post op histology results being worse than predicted). Turns out he was right…

    Wishing you the best for 5th Oct.