Awaiting Hystology results

  • 13 replies
  • 85 subscribers


Just after a bit of advice really. As you will see from my previous thread o was diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma and have had a full hysterectomy 7 weeks ago. I'm feeling fine back to eating dti king etc normal. I am still awaiting my results. My consultant rang yesterday and said that they are having to get someone else in to look at my womb etc as they can't tell whether I've had leiomyosarcoma or endometriosis. She has explained the difference but I'm just worried that now I may need radiotherapy and chemotherapy as a cause to just a mild radiotherapy (if needed). A lot of women on here seem to be diagnosed with endometriosis and not leiomyosarcoma and was wondering what most people's further treatment was.

Thanks in advance


  • Thanks, and yes it's very hard I just need to know what's next instead of all these things going round in my head x

  • Spoke to my consultant yesterday and she said she has had my preliminary report (4 pages long!) And o definitely have a sarcoma which they think is leiomyosarcoma but it could be one of 3. She is refrring me to the sarcoma team to be included in their MDT meeting in the next few weeks to see if I require further treatment. She said that because I was feeling so well and because it was a contained womb cancer she didn't think I would need treatment but if I did would be probably precautionary. She said if that is so it would just be check ups with scans and bloods as although they think they have it it may occur again and could be in other parts of my body. I'm feeling pretty positive today GrinningGrinning

  • Hi Nannytobe

    Am glad you finally have some clearer answers and are feeling positive. 

    A referral to the sarcoma team would suggest a leiomyosarcoma or perhaps a uterine sarcoma. These can be treated slightly differently to endometrial cancers as they begin in other parts of the womb. 

    A carcinoma sarcoma is not a sarcoma and is treated differently and usually treated as an endometrial cancer. 

    It is reassuring that you feel well and that the MDT is going to look in detail before deciding whether to offer any adjuvant treatment. 

    Good Luck and keep us updated.



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